On Drawing Trees
100 Plywood Owls
Recent Trees
The Root
More Trees
The Damage We Do
On Drawing Trees
100 Plywood Owls
Recent Trees
The Root
More Trees
The Damage We Do
Art Postcards below courtesy Alex Gerasev.
Art Postcards courtesy Betty Flournoy Brown.
Art Postcards courtesy Suze Genereaux.
Art Postcards courtesy Suze Genereaux.
Art Postcards below courtesy Liz Reiser.
Art postcards below courtesy Yogi Howse.
Art Postcards courtesy Oakmont High School, Ashburnham.
Art Postcards courtesy Lola Chaisson.
Art Postcards courtesy Lara Roketenetz.
Art Postcards courtesy Lola Chaisson.
134 Art Postcards courtesy students at Hope Academy, Providence, RI.
Art Postcards courtesy Lola Chaisson.
Art Postcards courtesy Lara Roketenetz.
Art postcards below courtesy Jamie Farrell
Art Postcards below courtesy Donna Murphy
Art Postcards below courtesy Tracey Burke and students at Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School.
Art Postcards courtesy Erika Frank.
Art Postcards Courtesy Plymouth South High School. Many thanks to teacher, Colleen Quinn!
Art Postcards courtesy Erika Frank.
Art Postcards courtesy Sally Dion and her students!
Art Postcards below courtesy Lucy Mueller
Art Postcards courtesy Ted Southwick.
Art Postcards courtesy Andy Payne.
Art postcards courtesy Brett S. Poza
Art postcards below courtesy anonymous Boston College students via Stephanie Stigliano.
Art postcards courtesy Creative Connections Gallery.
Art Postcards courtesy Jane Lincoln.
Art Postcards courtesy Susan Rock.
Art postcards below courtesy Ted Hinman
Art Postcards below courtesy Armené Margosian.
Art Postcards below courtesy Kelly Knight
Art postcards below courtesy Michele Vitti
Art postcards below courtesy C.A. Stigliano.
Art Postcards below courtesy Sheila Booth.
Art Postcards below courtesy Madge Evers
Art Postcards courtesy Gary Holliday
Art Postcards courtesy Gary Holliday
Art Postcards courtesy Gina Montefusco.
Art Postcards below courtesy Kate Higley
Art postcards courtesy Alexia Johnstone, Sophie Penny and Jackie Penny
Art Postcards below courtesy Linda Bourke
Art Postcards below courtesy Stephanie Stigliano.
Art Postcards below courtesy Kathleen Wright.
Art postcards courtesy Kik Kimball.
Art Postcard courtesy Marti Lew.
Art Postcard courtesy Marti Lew.
Art Postcard courtesy Marti Lew.
Art Postcard courtesy Marti Lew.
Art Postcard courtesy Marti Lew.
Art Postcards below courtesy Sharon Dunn.